As an iOS developer you would tend to think that Framework that Apple has developed must be on native Objective-C or Swift. The ResearchKit framework itself may be on Objective-C but the Architecture of the App development includes lots and lots of HTML and JSON files.
So you might need to revise your HTML / CSS skills before we proceed further.
If we dig inside "Resources" folder for the sample app for Parkison.
The major of contents are in HTMLContent folder, and JSON is used to map the those HTML to each Views or ViewControllers.
Now lets examine StudyOverview.json -
Hence the app framework binds your HTML via JSON files -
for example to bind your AboutStudy_intro.html file you have following JSON -
Links -
So you might need to revise your HTML / CSS skills before we proceed further.
If we dig inside "Resources" folder for the sample app for Parkison.
The major of contents are in HTMLContent folder, and JSON is used to map the those HTML to each Views or ViewControllers.
Now lets examine StudyOverview.json -
"title":"Welcome to mPower",
"details":"A Parkinson Disease Research Study",
"title":"About this Study",
"title":"About the App",
"details":"Please tap on the image below to watch a short video introduction to mPower.",
"video_name" : "Intro",
"title":"How this Study works",
Hence the app framework binds your HTML via JSON files -
for example to bind your AboutStudy_intro.html file you have following JSON -
"title":"About this Study",
Links -